Monday, July 19, 2010

An Open Letter to President Noynoy Aquino

Our beloved President Aquino

You said in your well-applauded inaugural address last June 30: “We will strengthen collections by the Bureau of Internal Revenue and we will fight corruption in the Bureau of Customs in order to fund our objectives for the public welfare…”

You also said that we, the Filipino people, can bring our concerns to you directly because, to borrow your own words, we are “your boss.”

In this light, we are imploring you to once and for all put a stop to the well-reported technical smuggling of Turkish flour into the country by some unscrupulous traders and their protectors at Customs.

In 2009 alone, it is estimated that government lost at least P50 million in duties and other taxes due to the undervaluation of Turkish flour entering our ports.

If Turkish flour smuggling goes unchecked, it could translate to billions of pesos in foregone government revenues in the six years of your administration.

Likewise, it will undermine your avowed stance that “if no one is corrupt, no one will be poor.”

Mr. President, as you read this, please consider that many of our countrymen unknowingly eat pandesal made from Turkish flour with low nutrient content mixed with local flour to mask its inferior quality.

Thus, this matter requires your immediate and decisive action because some greedy traders are only too willing to endanger our people’s health and well-being just so they can make huge profits.

Again, in closing, we go back to your inspiring inaugural speech, Mr. President:

"To our impoverished countrymen, starting today, your government will be your champion.”

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